Grief, living and choices

Today I woke up with a feeling of hope, which I have not had in a few weeks.  I know there are times in my life where I feel “lost” and waiting for the next thing to come.

Being a stay at home mom and going through the daily challenges of parenting, I often find myself wondering what “I SHOULD BE DOING.”  I made an announcement a week or so ago that I was closing my business WELL things have changed.

I have had some great conversations, many with myself :-) but also with some really supportive people who reminded me THE WHOLE PURPOSE of my business is to share MY STORY.

Every human has a story and path and I was reminded that mine is one I want to SHARE.  

I had the hand of grief dealt to me at a young age 15, when we very quickly lost my mother to cancer.  Before that I distinctly remember my grandmother passing away when I was in the 4th grade; that was the first time death had become part of my reality.

We all lose people in our lives and grieve differently.  I am also very aware that I am constantly going through the grieving process of the parenting the children I thought I was going to have and the ones I do.  Parenting special needs children has become my full time job and I am grateful and exhausted to be able to this.  

In doing this I realized that MY STORY is far from over and is not just focused on our boys.

I am going through the process of simplifying my website and being particularly selective in what I events I choose to do.

Every blend has a story, for example PEGGY SUE is the grief blend I created in honor of my mother.  Processing grief is a life long journey and one that is not honored or talked about enough.  We have all lost something or someone and how you choose to deal with that is your choice.

Therefore in the honor of grief, I will be creating a grief workshop in the next few months where we can come together as a community with our own stories (don’t worry you don’t have to share) and create blends to help with the grief process.



